7 Tips To Help You Along The Training Journey 

1. Patience
We live in time where it is easy to get caught up comparing your self to others…DON’T! Sure seeing someone lift 200kg above their head is amazing and i appreciate this but the reality is your favourite lifter has been training since they were a child,put in years & years of training, are blessed with elite genetics and they are likely at a level that you will never reach. I have tried to beat Bolts 100m, it’s just not happening…

By comparing yourself to people like this it can be disheartening, sure have people you look up to for motivation, just realise you are on your own journey. Don’t be in a rush to progress because you seen someone else lifting ‘X’ amount of weight, if you want to squat 200kg you need to be able to squat everything else below that amount first, be patient and keep plugging away, enjoying your own journey .

2. Learn correct technique, nail the basics. 
Pretty straight forward, learning how to perform movements correctly is going to help you progress & stay healthy. Training longevity is one of the most important factors in making progress, using proper technique is going to help you with this, you cannot make progress if you are hurt.

3. Be consistent,just not consistently poor. 
There are many people who consistently go the gym, but if it’s a consistently poor effort, you won’t get much return. Well done, you have shown dedication in being consistent but making progress takes more than just showing up, you have to put in the effort to get better.

Something that is common among people who are doing well with their fitness goals, is that they rarely miss training sessions, they have solid nutrition principles (no fad diets) & they never take extended breaks from training.

4. Follow a program specific to your goals, that fits your commitments. 
Having a structure to your gym schedule will allow you to focus on training rather than getting to the gym and just winging it with random movements. Going to the gym with no plan is like trying to get to a new destination without a map, you may arrive there in the end but it’s going to be a lot quicker following directions.

Having a program that you’re invested in will help you be more accountable, progress quicker and help with keeping you motivated.

5. Keep a training log. 
Following on from the above point about having a program, it also helps if you track what you are doing on the program, otherwise how do you monitor progress? There is only so much you can store in your head.
What weights did you use? How many reps? Rest periods?

These are the ‘important’ bits but you may also consider writing down the following, how did you feel that day? Did you sleep well the night before? What time did you train? Who did you train with? Where did you train?

Answering and tracking these things can help you with gaining a better understanding of your training.

6. Make it enjoyable.
Find a way of training that you enjoy, you are way more likely to stick at something you enjoy. There are many different methods to training that work, find one that suits you and make it a hobby. Training should be something you do because you enjoy it as well as all the other positive benefits.

7. Have a coach/mentor. 
There is a lot of good free info out there, however having a good coach that can help direct you on the right path will educate you, save you effort, money & time. I can definitely say that having coaches and mentors in my life, fast tracked my progress & helped me learn & continue to learn from them.